Suggestions and Tips
The top deck was our favorite place to be and would have been more pleasant bringing the following outdoor gear. Unfortunately, we forgot them.
Zero-Gravity Chairs are our favorites. They would have been perfect to relax (or sleep on) under the shade of the Clam Quick-Set Screen Shelter while sailing away the day.
The Clam Quick-Set Screen Shelter would have been a perfect sun shelter during the day trips and mosquito protection for evening moon gazing.
Our SansBug Pop-Up Mosquito-tents made for peaceful-bug-free sleeping to place on the bunk beds.
Scroll down for more details:

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Thermos 370 3-Burner Liquid Propane Gas Grill with Side Burner
Diane was impressed with the Thermos Grill that came with the houseboat.
3-Burner, 36,000-btu cart-style gas grill with 12,000-btu lidded side burner
Thermos 370 3-Burner Liquid Propane Gas Grill with Side Burner

For a peaceful-bugfree sleep, while experiencing the wilderness that Voyageurs National Park has to offer, take along a SansBug pop-up mosquito net to place on top of the twin bed. Large zip entry makes late-night bathroom treks convenient.
The Sansbug Mosquito Popup Tent has been used by the US and Canadian military, by disaster response volunteers in Haiti and Puerto Rico, ecologists in Madagascar, and doctors in the Amazon. It can also be used as a baby bug tent.

It is hot on the top deck of the houseboat during the day-long trips. This would have been perfect for shade and breeze during day trips and offers a bug-free night of fire-fly gazing.
The Clam Outdoors Quick-Set EscapeXL Screen Shelter sets up fast and easy in 45 seconds. Ready to use right out of the box, and no assembly required.

The SureFlap DualScan Microchip Cat Door is used for our pet cat, Bandit, while we are gone. Bandit is not a good travel cat so the Microchip cat door was a no-brainer for us. It's been one year since we purchased this cat door, Dave and I continue to be amazed at how Bandit has become a roommate coming and going as he pleases.
The SureFlap cat door has a double antenna, which reads a cat’s microchip which allows entry to just his microchip. His food and water are indoors and that keeps him from wandering away. We all love it!

Fix Find 5 pack of 52 inch flexible colorful foam Swim/Float/Noodles
We never go swimming without noodles to keep us floating in the water for hours.
Set of 5 round foam noodles NOW with Lime Green
Great for the swimming pool, arts & crafts, and as a toy
52-inch in length, approx. 2-1/2-inch diameter with 1-inch hollow core
Color assortment may vary
Not a lifesaving device
Fix Find 5 pack of 52 inch flexible colorful foam Swim/Float/Noodles

Automatic Pet Feeder Food Dispenser with Voice Recorder and Timer Programmable
All we do is fill it up, schedule how often to dispense 1/4 cup cat food into the feeder, set the timer, and watch Bandit recognize the alarm and saunters to the feed bowl.
Capacity: 6L. Up to 4 meals a day, each meal dispense from 1-39 Portions, Each Portion is around 10-12g, Simply Pick Your Portion Size & Unit Dispenses Dry Meals.

Coleman PowerChill Hot/Cold Portable Thermoelectric Cooler
The refrigerator on the houseboat is pretty small. Although they supply another very large cooler, there isn’t a way to keep food cool without ice, which, of course, melts.
We brought along our Coleman 12v plug in cooler to add to the boats galley.
Coleman PowerChill Hot/Cold Portable Thermoelectric Cooler

The AquaPurr cat water fountain
We leave Bandit at home for weeks at a time knowing he is well taken care of. Our neighbor stops by once a week to check on the house and make sure the water fountain is working and his food bowls are full.
Of course, during the winter months our water is turned off and Frank, our real-life neighbor, stops by to check on Bandit's water bowl in the winter.

These lounge chairs are good for camping, beachside, or poolside. Super comfortable and easy to rotate back into the zero-gravity position, which cradles your spine in a stress-free position.
What a different the houseboat experience would have been if we had our zero-gravity chairs on the top deck.
Bottled Water for Drinking. 10 five-gallon jugs are provided for cooking.
Favorite spices
Dairy Products
Canned Goods
Bread & Cereals
Pancake Mix
Cooking Oil
Blankets provided
Boat Supplies
Navigation Maps
Deck Chair s
Tent Shelter
Duct Tape
Flash Light Battery-powered lamp, flashlight, and headlamp (for extra light on the beach)
Kitchen Supplies
Paper Towels
Paper Plates/Cups
Plastic ware
Zip Locks and Plastic containers for food storage.
Electric Cooler
Warm & Cool Clothing
Fleece for cool nights
Water shoes/crocks
Hiking shoes
Swim Suit
Beach Towels
Sun Hat
Sun Shades
Water Noodles
Water Toys
Facesoap - biodegradable
Shampoo - biodegrable
Mosquito Gear
Bug Spray
Mosquito Bed Tent
Mosquito Tent
Fishing Equipment
Filet Knief
Fishing Gear
Fishing Bucket
Fish Net
Favorite Playlist Downloaded
Playing Cards
Musical Instruments
Camera & batteries
Suggestions for Driving
A Houseboat
When driving the houseboats, stay in the main channels as requested by the rental companies. This body of water is “rock-city”. The islands are pure rock, the shores are rock ledges, and there are many rock shoals interspersed within the deep waters. We heard that one party recently brought back a houseboat with over $6,000 of lower-end engine damage by hitting rocks. The houseboats make a great base camp. Use the towed boats for exploring back bays and channels. Some houseboats towed up to three fancy fishing boats or speed boats to do the exploring in. You are certainly welcome to bring your own towed boats. Northernaire did supply a nice roomy towboat but we supplied the motor for it.
Our boat used very little gas – only 5 gallons per day. However, Northernaire does charge about 50 cents more a gallon than gas stations.
Northernaire Houseboats Rainy Lake
The rental cost for the 42’ Adventurer was: $1995 per week or $440 per day, plus 6.875% Minnesota sales tax, 3% lodging tax, and a $550 deposit that is returned minus fuel used. Northernaire supplies all the cookware, dishes, and utensils. Blanket and pillows are also included. We took bedrolls so we didn’t have to mess with bed linens and such. Check out the website: northernairehouseboats.com for more information on what is supplied, a suggested list of gear to bring, and what else Northernaire sells. They run specials and we got the 10% off weekday special (Monday through Friday).
Voyageurs National Park Fees: There is a nightly houseboat mooring fee. You can pay for this at Northernaire Houseboats and they will provide you with the permits.
WIFI Signal and
Cell Service
Don’t rely on your cell phone or GPS to work. Rental boats are equipped with radios for emergencies, but the best advice is to use a good map Leave the Northernaire Office with your family in case they need to get a hold of you for an emergency. The office will can radio your boat to leave the message. Make sure someone knows where you’re headed, and to be smart about weather.
Lake Navigation
Caution is advised when traveling the waters of Voyageurs National Park. The national park service advises NOT to solely rely on GPS units, carry good navigational charts